Allied Academies

Graphene and Quantum Dots

Graphene and Quantum Dots

Graphene is an interesting material which is getting a lot of attention since the Nobel prize of Andre Geim and Konstantin Novoselov in 2010 for physics, who first isolated Graphene in 2004. Scientists everywhere throughout the globe keep on constantly doing research and patenting graphene to take in its different properties and conceivable applications, which incorporates contact screens, PC chips, batteries, water channels, supercapacitors, solar cells and more.

Quantum dots  glow a specific colour after light illumination and are semiconductor nanoparticles. The colour in which they glow is usually depends on the size of of nanoparticle. Recently, researchers are working on the utilization of these quantum dots in displays for applications ranging from cell phone to large screen televisions that would consume less power than current displays.

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